

Sunday - 9:15AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service

Celebrating 150 Years of Growth!

Campbell Chapel AME Church has been an integral part of the Bluffton Community since 1874 starting with the "Campbell Nine", The Campbell Nine" were nine former slaves who purchased our historic chapel from the Bluffton Methodist Church.  We worshipped in that building for 130 years until God blessed us to build a new edifice due to growth.  This year we are celebrating 150 years of worshipping God and serving our community.      

We will be celebrating this milestone from June 30 through July 7, 2024, with worship services and activities.  

The schedule of events are as follows:.:

                 June 30, 2024             Pre-Church Anniversary Kickoff 

                 July 06, 2024              Campbell Chapel Gala

                 July 1 - July 5, 2024   Family & Friends Week

                  May 26, 2024              Souvenir Journal ad purchase & contributions cut-off date


Our Theme:  "celebrate our past and embrace our renaissance to growth"

Focusing on God's word: 

Philippians 1:6   - "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus".


                                                                                Ms. Lucille Kannick, Church Anniversary Chair


pre-anniversary service  (June 30, 2024)

The Pre-anniversary Service will be a spirit-filled worship experience with the Presiding Bishop Samuel L. Green Sr. of the 7th Episcopal District (South Carolina) of the AME Church.  Bishop Green will "ignite" our celebration.  Members and guests from Bluffton and around the district will be in attendance.

Time: 3:00 PM

Place: Campbell Chapel AME

Proclaimer:  Bishop Samuel Lawrence Green Sr.

family & Friends  woship Experience  (July 1 - 5, 2024)

Family & Friends worship experience will be held nightly.  Each assigned group of families will have a unique worship experience celebrating God's presence in their lives.   (note: There will be no service on July 4, 2024.)

Time: 7:00 PM

Place: Campbell Chapel AME

Presiding:  Assigned Families

The Gala   (July 6, 2024)

An evening of History Gala will include food, fun, music, and trivia that will engage members and friends.  This event is an opportunity for those in attendance to fellowship with members and friends as a prelude to the grand celebration of our 150th anniversary as we continue to celebrate our presence in the Bluffton community and beyond.

Time:  6:00 pm to 9:00pm

Place: Pinckney Hall, Sun City

Tickets: $60

Table: $550

Ticket Sales begin May 13, 2024 at the church office.

Anniversary Day -July 7, 2024

The Grand Celebration :  Worshipping and praising God for what was, what is and what is to we celebrate our past and embrace our Renaissance To Growth!

  • Time:  10:00 AM

  • Place:  Campbell Chapel

  • Messenger: TBA

  • Regular Worship Experience

  • Choir:  All former members

get involved!

The Sacrificial Offering is a denomination donation (from a penny to $50 bill) for each year representing 150 years. All monies collected are earmarked for the Historic Campbell Chapel Restoration and Scholarships for Campbell Chapel's college bound students.
The Time Capsule Scrapbook will capture the history of current membership. Each member's name will be recorded on a card within the scrapbook along with a penny representing the year he or she joined the church. The penny is a symbolic representation of the monies given by the "Campbell Nine" so many years ago. The Time Capsule Scrapbook will be ceremonially planted in the Historic Campbell Chapel during the coming restoration project.
The Souvenir Journal will be published to document memories and well wishes for the 150 years. We encourage members, friends, churches, former pastors, and businesses to be represented in the journal. The due date for all ads or memories is May 26, 2024.

Ad Schedule:
Back Page...................................................................................$500
Inside front or inside back cover.................................$400
Full page........................................................................................$200
Half (1/2) page ..........................................................................$100
One-Fourth (1/4) page..........................................................$ 50
Patron.................................................................................................$ 15

Please email or mail a camera-ready copy of your ad and/or patrons by May 26, 2024.
Please make checks payable to Campbell Chape AME.

Campbell Chapel AME Church
P.O. Box 83
Bluffton, SC 29910



Three ways to purchase your tickets!!!!

1)  Church Office


    3)     Click button below to go to Eventbrite

  Click to Purchase ticket at Eventbrite!